jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

6to nos enseña como trabaja con los animales!

6to trabajó con animales y realizaron adivinanzas.
¿Puedes adivinar de qué animales se trata?

1. It is dangerous. It is fast. It is fat. (Gastón)
2. It is long. It has got short legs. It has got a long mouth. (Tomás and Kevin)
3. It has got four legs. It is dangerous. It has got eyes. (Tadeo)
4. It is brown. It has got a tail. It is big
5. It is black and white. It has got a peak. It is small. (Franco M)
6. It is small. It has got a peak. It is black. It has got wings (Azu, Tefy and Jaz)
7. It is long. It is small. It is dangerous. It is green.
8. It is small. It is beautiful. It lives in the water. (Melu and Aguito)
9. It is big. It has got a long neck. It is friendly (Cele and Ago)
10. It is small. It is short. It is friendly
11. It is black and white. It is small. It has got a peak (Mistica y Aldana)
12. It is blue. It lives in the water. It is big. It is friendly. (Tefy)
13. It is small. It is friendly. It has got wings (Sofi)
14. It is small. It has got long ears.






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